
登记变更, 在在线注册开放的时间段内进行, 可以通过 横幅.

If you decide to add or drop courses outside of the normal registration deadlines, you must notify the 司法常务官办公室 in writing by completing a 登记 Petition, 发现于 注册处办公室网站. 要参考当前注册截止日期列表,请参阅 校历. 登记 Petitions need to be accompanied by a student statement and support/permission from your department or a faculty member. 

如果你打算退出大学住宿(i.e., cancel the room and meal plan contract), you must give proper notification to 大学服务. 如果你完全退学,你必须通知学校 安全及保安 才有资格退还你的停车费.

如果你没有向大学提供适当的通知, 财务义务将继续具有约束力, regardless of whether classes were attended or whether or not any of the contracted services were utilized.

退款 or additional charges for courses are posted to your student account when the official 登记 Petition is received and processed or the transaction is completed using 横幅. 增加的课程按整个季度收费, 不管什么时候添加课程.

如果学生在他们的帐户上有信用余额(例如, 由于付款过多), then the student or the student’s authorized parent or legal representative may request a refund. 在大多数情况下,所有符合条件的退款将汇给学生.

If there is an owing balance on the account or a past-due balance on a campus-based loan program, 包括SPU机构, 联邦帕金斯, 和/或联邦护理学生贷款计划, 在大多数情况下, 退款将首先用于应付欠款余额.

如果注册更改导致退款, 学费将根据以下时间表退还. 

任何网易彩票app学费退款的问题,请直接联系 学生财务服务.


Refund schedule for the regular academic year — Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters

  • 本季度第一周: 100%
  • 本季度第二周: 75%
  • 季度第三周: 50%
  • 季度第四、五周: 25%
  • 每季第六周及之后的几周: 0%

注意: A week is defined as five business days beginning on the first day of each quarter. 具体退款日期可在 校历.


A student who was originally enrolled for 15 credits drops one 3-credit course the third week of class. There is no tuition adjustment, since the fee for 12 credits is the same as for 15.
  A student who was originally enrolled for 13 credits drops one 3-credit course the second week of class. 退款如下:
  全额学费(13学分) $12,168
  10学分学费($1,014 x 10) $10,140
  区别 $2,028
  75%退款 $1,521
  放弃课程的学费 $507
  假设上述学生在课程的第二周放弃了一门5学分的课程. 退款如下:
  全额学费(13学分) $12,168
  8学分学费($975 x 8) $8,112
  区别 $4,056
  75%退款 $3,042
  放弃课程的学费 $1,014
  A student who was originally enrolled for 11 credits drops 2 credits and at the same time adds 3 credits during the second week of class. 结果如下:
  旧级别:11学分($1,014 x 11) $11,154
  新等级:12学分 $12,168
  另外由于 $1,014
  (全额学费13学分) $12,168
  75%退款 $9,126
  学生欠 $3,042


如果你想退出一个或多个夏季或九月的课程, 您必须在自助服务横幅上正式退出该课程. The deadline to drop a summer course is listed in the Important Dates section of the Summer Sessions website. Drop deadlines for 9月会议 courses are listed on the 9月会议 website.

  • 去 横幅 > Student Menu > 登记 and Class Schedules Menu > Class 登记 and Planning > Register for Classes > Choose the "drop" or "withdraw" option for the appropriate course and click submit.

请参阅以下夏季和9月课程退款时间表. The date the withdrawal is submitted in Self-Service 横幅 determines the amount of the refund. If you do not drop on the web, your 财务义务将继续具有约束力.

You may not drop a class after the withdrawal deadline or after the course has ended.


  • 第一周: 100%
  • 2周: 50 %


  • 第一周: 100%
  • 第一周后: 0%


  • 二等舱: 100%
  • 第二次课后: 0%


Dropping courses may affect your current and continued eligibility for financial aid. 请参阅 令人满意的进展 财政援助一节. It is recommended that you discuss the impact of dropping below 12 credits with your 学生财务服务顾问 在完成退学或退学程序之前.


If, 在一个季度内, a student who receives financial aid completely withdraws from the University, 学费退款的计算方法如上所述.

然而, 如果学生收到, 或者有权接受, 任何联邦(第四章)基金, the return of the Title IV funds will be calculated by determining the percentage earned and applying this percentage to the total amount of Title IV assistance disbursed (and that could have been disbursed) to the student for the period of enrollment as of the student’s withdrawal date. The percentage of Title IV funds earned is equal to the percentage of the period of enrollment that the student completed as of the withdrawal date if it occurs on or before the completion of 60 percent of the period of enrollment. The percentage of Title IV funds that have not been earned by the student is determined by taking the complement of the percentage of Title IV funds earned. The unearned Title IV funds will be returned to financial aid sources based on federal guidelines in the following order:

  • 联邦直接无补贴贷款
  • 联邦直接补贴贷款
  • 联邦直接贷款
  • 联邦佩尔助学金
  • 联邦SEOG
  • 其他第四章援助项目,如教育补助金

其他州, 私人, or institutional aid will be assessed based on state calculations and/or the amount of refund a student receives. 


If you receive financial aid and drop courses to below a 12-credit load during a given quarter, 你的经济援助奖励可能会在那个季度进行重新评估. 这可能会影响实际记入您帐户的金额. 联系 学生财务服务顾问 欲知更多资料.


新学生 who cancel their housing applications by the following dates will receive a refund of their housing deposit:
秋天季度 2022年6月1日
冬季季 2022年11月30日
春季季 到2023年3月18日
持续的学生 who contract for 秋天季度 housing during the spring sign-up process will forfeit their deposit if they cancel any time after reserving housing. 冬季和春季学期, continuing students must cancel their contract by the following dates to receive a refund of their housing deposit:
冬季季 2022年11月8日
春季季 到2023年3月7日
Students who withdraw from University housing after the beginning of the contract period will forfeit their room deposit and will receive a refund of their room and meal plan charges based on the date they sign their checkout form, 根据以下时间表:
本季度第一周* 90%
本季度的第二周 75%
本季度的第三周 50%
本季度的第四和第五周 25%
本季度的第六周及之后 0%

*The first week of the quarter begins the day residence halls officially open and ends the Monday after the first day of classes. 每个连续的星期是从星期二到星期一.


SPU可以决定, 在其自由裁量权, 这是由于政府指导或健康和安全方面的考虑, changes should be made to the method of delivering course content or related academic services, 或者安排课外活动. 这些变化可能包括, 但不限于, 全部或部分校园关闭, 将面对面课程转变为远程学习, 减少上课次数, 或者推迟或取消课外活动. Students enrolled in SPU classes are not entitled to any refunds for tuition or fees as a result of any changes to the method of delivery of course content or academic services, 或取消课程或活动, 只要斯坦福大学还为课程提供学分. 此外, any discretionary decision by SPU to provide a refund in a particular instance does not create a right to a refund in any other instance.