
网易彩票下载 seeks to maintain a safe and healthy environment for the campus community. 然而, 因为没有任何安全系统可以消除所有的风险, 学校要求SPU社区的每个成员都为校园安全做出贡献. 为了帮助大家, 西雅图 Pacific has established certain policies and procedures which are administered by the 安全与安保办公室 (206-281-2922) and the Office of 网易彩票下载 (206-281-2481).


OSS每周7天,每天24小时运作. 战略情报局协助所有紧急情况, 管理所有的停车和机动车, 并为在校园里行走的个人提供安全护送. 办公室位于西爱默生601号,电话:206-281-2922. 如遇紧急情况,请致电206-281-2911(校内x2911). OSS建议您在手机联系人号码206-281-2911中添加“SPU 911”.


禁止攀爬任何建筑物的外部, 任何时候学生都不允许上屋顶. 任何物体或物质都不得掉落, 扔, 或者是从楼梯井里倒出来的, 从任何窗口出去, 或者从阳台上下来. 窗户纱窗不得拆除. 这种行为可能极其危险,并对他人的安全构成威胁.


宿舍一直是锁着的. It is your responsibility to carry your key and Falcon Card with you whenever you leave your room. Students who jeopardize the safety and security of other residents by propping open or otherwise disabling exterior doors, 或者让未经授权的人进入大楼(有意或无意), 是否受到纪律处分.


SPU在任何时候都关心教职员工和学生的福利. 因为紧急情况对大学学生的安全构成潜在威胁, 教师, 工作人员, and students must be aware of the emergency procedures that will be utilized in a time of crisis. 请阅读以下网站提供的手册,熟悉这些程序 shunhuiart.com/emergency. The University hopes to be spared the need to implement these emergency procedures; however, a thorough understanding of this plan offers the greatest hope for providing maximum safety if a serious emergency does occur.


在紧急情况下, SPU警报系统允许SPU官员通过手机发送几乎同时的信息, 短信, 和电子邮件. 事实证明,短信是接收警报最快捷的方式. Students can quickly and easily update their notification information with multiple email addresses, 手机号码, 和电话号码,登入横幅资讯系统, 选择个人菜单, 然后选择紧急警报系统.


而SPU-Alert系统可以识别在紧急情况下如何联系某人, 紧急联系信息确定了学生发生意外时的联系人. 学生应添加多个紧急联系人(例如.g.(父母、兄弟姐妹和祖父母),并定期回顾他们列出的人. 登入横幅资讯系统, 选择个人菜单, ,然后选择“紧急联系信息”.


Students may wish to make personal health information available for 使用 by emergency responders in the event of an emergency. Supplying personal health information is voluntary for each student; however, 有特殊健康问题的学生应充分利用这一机会. 这样做, 登入横幅资讯系统, 选择个人菜单, 选择紧急联系信息, 然后选择页面底部的附加紧急/医疗信息链接. Access to this information will be limited to OSS 工作人员 to assist in responding in an emergency and will not be forwarded to any other person or department.



根据高等教育机会法案, 维护校内住房的机构应当, 按年计算, 发布消防安全报告. 为合规起见,本报告包含在年度保安及消防安全报告中, 全文可在 安全与安保办公室 网站.

报告火灾是每个人的责任. All fires that present a risk to persons or property on campus should be reported immediately to OSS at 206-281-2911 and to 911. 另外, concerns about fire that are not considered an emergency may be reported to a residence life coordinator, 一个主管, 一名指定的建筑物紧急协调员, 设施及项目管理, 或者安全办公室.


Inspections for fire safety equipment and a mandatory state inspection of the hot water heaters are done as state law and University policy requires.

每个公寓里都有一个灭火器. 了解你的地址在哪里. 不要移动灭火器. 如果灭火器是用来灭火的, 立即通知OSS,将免费更换. 大学每月检查一次灭火器, but tenants should periodically inspect the gauge to be certain the fire extinguisher is properly charged. 部分使用的灭火器会失去压力,必须重新充电. 如果指针显示充电过少或过充,则通知OSS. 烧烤架和可燃材料,如丙烷, 汽油, 煤油, 以及含有可燃物质的物品(如.g.公寓内(包括储物柜/储物柜)不允许携带任何物品。.

因为无人看管的烧香或明火的风险, 在宿舍里是禁止使用的. 即使在停电的情况下,也不能使用蜡烛或灯笼. 居民被鼓励使用手电筒或类似的设备来提供应急照明.

根据州法律,大学大楼内禁止吸烟. 这包括阳台和楼梯井到宿舍房间或公共区域.


每间公寓的天花板/墙壁上都有烟雾报警器. 了解你的手机在哪里. 当警报器响起时,它会发出刺耳的声音. 如果告警提示“间歇性”,则需要更换电池. 尽快通知OSS. Tampering with smoke detectors may result in disciplinary action, including a fine and/or eviction. Excessive amounts of smoke from cooking or excessive amounts of steam from the bathroom may activate the smoke alarm. 如果发生这种情况, 只要打开门窗,打开风扇,让公寓通风就可以了. The detector will automatically stop sounding when the smoke or steam is completely removed from the area.


合法的火警可以挽救生命. When activated, the alarm sounds in the entire building and everyone must evacuate immediately. Residence halls have emergency procedure signs that indicate the designated evacuation areas for the building.


The 安全与安保办公室 works with residence hall 工作人员 to conduct quarterly fire drills for each residence hall. 在此过程中,学生们将被指导疏散程序.


占有, 使用, 存储, 制造, 运输, 显示, 出售, 或者烟花的分发, 实弹, 燃烧装置, 炸药, 易燃液体, 及其他任何有害物品均严禁带入校园. Propane and other compressed gases (including spray paint) are also prohibited unless approved for a specific purpose. “危险物质”一词是指任何危险物质, 有毒, 或者有害物质, 材料, or waste that is or becomes regulated by any local government for any jurisdiction that includes any University campus, 华盛顿州, 或者美国. 违禁品将由大学职员没收及处理, 对此负有责任的学生将受到纪律处分, 包括被解雇, 可能还有刑事起诉.


网易彩票下载 has a policy for identifying and responding to missing person situations. Any member of the University community who has reason to believe that a student who resides in on-campus housing is missing should immediately call OSS at 206-281-2911. Concerns that a student is missing may also be reported to the Office of 网易彩票下载 or the 学生辅导中心, which will forward any missing-student reports immediately to the 安全与安保办公室.

OSS会生成一份失踪人口报告并展开调查. The University may investigate circumstances for nonresidential students who are missing out of concern for student well-being when it is determined that the University might be able to assist the student.

在调查了失踪人口报告之后, OSS应该确定学生失踪并且失踪超过24小时吗, 西雅图警察局(SPD)将会收到通知. The University may notify appropriate authorities without delay when it has reason to believe the student is endangered or missing under involuntary circumstances. The student’s emergency contact will be notified no later than 24 hours after the student is determined to be missing. 如果失踪的学生未满18岁并且不是一个独立的人, SPU will notify the student’s parent or legal guardian immediately after it has been determined that the student has been missing for more than 24 hours.

除了注册一个紧急联系号码, students residing in on-campus housing have the option to identify confidentially an individual to be contacted by the University in the event the student is determined to be missing for more than 24 hours. 如果学生确定了这样一个人, the University will notify that individual no later than 24 hours after the student is determined to be missing. 希望确定保密联系人的学生可以通过 横幅资讯系统. 选择“个人”菜单,然后选择“紧急联系人信息”选项卡. 选择添加新联系人或编辑现有联系人. 在“关系”下拉菜单下,选择“失踪人员网易彩票app”.” Contact the CIS Help Desk if you have questions concerning entering your personal contact information into the 横幅资讯系统.


A safety escort service is available for students who need to walk to different areas of the campus or within a reasonable distance (a few blocks) off campus. 请注意,提供这项服务是为了安全,而不是为了方便. 为行动不便的学生提供陪护服务. 请拨打206-281-2922 (x2922校园电话).


校园安全设备, 包括紧急电话, 相机, 还有灭火器, 不应篡改或使用不当. 违反这一政策将受到纪律处分.


A student may be charged with criminal trespass if he or she knowingly enters or remains unlawfully in or upon the premises of another, 或者他或她没有按照居住者的指示离开, 宿舍生活办公室的工作人员, 或者保安人员.


恶意破坏或污损他人财产是刑事犯罪. Anyone guilty of vandalism will be charged for repair and replacement of damaged property and assessed an automatic fine. 破坏公物会受到纪律处分,并可能导致刑事检控.


拥有, 使用, 存储, 制造, 运输, 显示, 出售, 或禁止在大学内或附近分发枪支和其他武器, 包括学生宿舍和公共区域. 如果您的情况不允许您将这些物品留在其他地方, 你必须让战略情报局帮你保存. 违禁武器包括, 但不限于, BB弹枪, 漆枪, 软弹气枪枪支, 眩晕枪, 泰瑟枪装置, 武术武器, 折叠超过3英寸长的刀片, 弓箭, 弹弓, 水球发射器, 《网易彩票app》(RCW)中所列的任何其他武器.以及任何形式的弹药. 逼真的武器复制品和伪造武器也被禁止.
