
SPU student musicians performing Christmas music at Benaroya Hall.

Annual diversity lecture launched

SPU’s Office of 多样性, Equity, and Inclusion launched its 首届多元化讲座 in January with Jemar Tisby, author of The Color of Compromise: The Truth 网易彩票app the American Church’s Complicity in Racism, to a standing room-only crowd. 他的讲座, 向社会开放, explored the connection between the church and racism throughout American history and offered practical steps for Christians to understand and fight against their complicity in institutional racism, both individually and corporately. The annual lecture is designed to provoke thought, 扩展的对话, and inform current practices related to Universitywide diversity efforts.


Student vocalists and instrumentalists delighted a sold-out Benaroya Hall crowd last November with sacred Advent music and Christmas carols from around the world at the annual 圣诞节的神圣之声 音乐会. For two decades, the 音乐会 — SPU’s gift to 西雅图 — has grown in both acclaim and popularity. In the coming months, look for details about the event in a new format: 见: A 圣诞节的神圣之声 Virtual Celebration on Saturday, December 12, at 7 p.m.

信仰 & Co. 扩展到

第二季 信仰 & Co. 纪录片系列 现在可用, along with a free online course exploring how faith shapes the way organizations engage with employees. 为期八周的研究 信仰 & Co:服务员工 may also be taken for credit (for a nominal fee) and applied toward an SPU graduate business degree. For-credit participants can then earn a certificate by taking at least three of the four planned seasons’ courses. The newest films follow the first season, 有目的商业.


CityQuest, an annual Orientation event that enlists incoming students in a day of service with local nonprofits, was held last September with 500 students helping at 22 partner sites around 西雅图. Sites included 西雅图 Goodwill, 雷尼尔山谷食品银行, El Centro de la Raza, 金郡公园, St. Therese Catholic Academy, CRISTA Senior Living, Operation Nightwatch, and more. SPU教员, 工作人员, 学生领袖, 校友们担任了主持人, providing contextual and relational support for participating students.

Nursing project helps nonprofit

SPU senior nursing students worked with 工作人员 at the 西雅图 nonprofit REST (Real Escape from the Sex Trade) to create resources for survivors of sexual exploitation and the health care providers who serve them. With REST as a clinical site for their service learning project, the student team expanded a health care provider toolkit (created by previous SPU student nurses) and created content for a poster for health care settings to educate and remind providers how to provide trauma-informed care to survivors of sexual exploitation.


SPU nursing and health and human performance students traveled to the Philippines last December for a two-week study abroad community health course experience. Students worked directly with local ministry leaders and citizens to determine community needs and to develop and implement health promotion projects focused on women’s health and first aid.

Downtown Business Breakfast sponsors redirect support

Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist Peggy Noonan was set to be the featured speaker at this year’s Downtown Business Breakfast, SPU’s largest spring community event. When statewide quarantines forced the cancellation of the breakfast, corporate partners stood with the University and immediately redirected their sponsorships to help offset COVID-19 response expenses and to sustain student programs. The University gratefully acknowledges their support: US Bank, zeevenbergen资本投资公司, 埃利斯, Li & 麦金斯事务所, 克拉克数PS, 费舍尔管道, 法庭之友法律小组, PC Hollander Hospitality, 斯托克斯·劳伦斯.


教育学院 faculty created and facilitated teacher development workshops for more than 300 teachers in Hong Kong, 北京, 和去年夏天的雅加达. Led by associate professors Munyi Shea and David Wicks, the workshops focused on student-centered learning, 数字教育, 行动研究, 工作与生活的平衡, 主观幸福感. SPU is establishing research and program partnerships with Jakarta’s Krida Wacana Christian University.


This year, students across SPU’s campus read Julie Otsuka’s debut novel, 当皇帝是神圣的. The National Endowment for the Arts named the book this year’s 大读, which enables communities to come together to read a book and host a series of events around the book’s topics.